Telegram group Iranians of Alanya

Alanya jobs

Click on the button below to enter the telegram supergroup of Alanya Iranian jobs to learn about the jobs of Iranians living in the city of Alanya, Turkey and the important news of the city of Alanya.

The purpose of this group is to provide services to respected Iranians living in Alanya, so that they can introduce their jobs to other Iranians living in Alanya for free, and on the other hand, the Iranian residents of Alanya can use these jobs to facilitate their daily life. Inform yourself.

List of 24-hour pharmacies in Antalya and Alanya province

The main jobs that are introduced in this group daily by business owners are:

Air ticket sales, sale or rent of all types of apartments and villas, buying and selling lira, dollar and euro and foreign currency remittances, Iranian restaurants and cafes, special events for Iranians, Iranian pharmacies, Iranian doctors and beauty centers, various language training Turkish and English, instrument training and other artistic matters, matters related to receiving residence and passport, recreational tours, etc.

Why should we become a member of the Alanya Iranian Jobs Telegram group:

This group with more than 5 years of activity and having more than 2700 members with round-the-clock monitoring by the group admin and without paying any membership fees or receiving fees for advertising to you who live in Alanya and especially do not know the Turkish language well in order to do things You will be helped by a compatriot and most importantly you will be informed about what is happening in the city.

group rules:

In order to maintain the peace of the group members, sending advertising messages that are not related to Alanya and its residents will be prevented.
Friends who want to send their ads should add at least 5 of their friends who preferably live in Alanya or Antalya to the group so that they can send their ads for free and unlimited in the group.
Other rules will be informed by the intelligent robot in the group.

Final word:

If you live in Alanya or you want to travel to this city soon or immigrate to this city, become a member of Alanya Iranian business group, please also add your friends who live in Alanya and Antalya to this group or the link to join the group. Please send them so that we can have a larger group of Iranians from the region together in this group.

Group link:

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Alanya city properties

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