On this page, you will find frequently asked questions about real estate in Alanya. We hope you can find answers to your questions by reading this section. If you do not find the answer to your question, you can contact our experts from the contact page. The frequently asked questions page will be constantly updated by the experts and supporters of the collection.

No, from the beginning of 2023, you will not be able to get a residence in Turkey by renting a house, although there is a very small chance to extend the stay by renting, but there is no guarantee. Therefore, to stay in Turkey, you should use other methods of obtaining Turkish residence.

There are different ways to obtain Turkish citizenship, you can read the article “5 ways to obtain Turkish citizenship”; But the most used of these methods is the method of buying real estate worth at least 400 thousand dollars.

As it is known, when you become a citizen of Turkey and receive the passport of this country, you will enjoy all the rights of a Turkish citizen, but receiving Turkish residence is temporary and is granted and extended according to certain conditions, which we suggest to read the article under the title “Differences”. Read Turkish citizenship and residence in the blog of the site.

There are different types of Turkish residence and there are different ways to obtain it according to the conditions of each person, so we suggest you read the article “8 ways to obtain Turkish residence”. But please note that in order to obtain Turkish residence in any of the mentioned ways, you should consult and benefit from people who are familiar with Turkish laws, and if you are new to Turkey, it is better to avoid doing these things directly by yourself.

No, currently, according to Turkish laws, the official value of your property to obtain Turkish residence must be at least 75,000 dollars based on the type of investment. closed neighborhoods, residence will be issued for you, your wife and children under 18 years of age, and after it is completed, it will be extended on the condition of owning a house, and you will not have to worry about a long-term stay in Turkey; It should be noted that this residence is issued for you and your spouse and children under 18 years of age, of course, the necessary family identification documents must be approved by the Turkish embassy and authorities.

The discussion of working in Turkey is so broad that we tried to explain these things and its details in the “Working in Turkey” content. In general, you can only work in Turkey with a work residence or having a passport, and other than these two cases, if you engage in any activity, it will be illegal and will cause you to be deported, so if you intend to live a healthy life in Turkey, avoid doing any illegal act. Strictly refrain.

Studying at any stage in Turkey is possible and will bring many benefits to you, so we suggest you read “Study in Turkey”. In this material, we have tried to answer all your questions.

This question and its answer will be completely relative and based on personal experiences and approach to future life. The main cities of Turkey that are welcomed by Iranians are: Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya, Alanya, Ankara and Trabzon.

But the lifestyle in these cities is completely different from each other, and to choose the right city, you must first determine your purpose of migration, then choose the destination city.

In general, all these cities are good for living and you can’t fault them, only each of them has advantages and disadvantages that should be considered, for example, if you are looking for peace and quiet life, Alanya is recommended.

A question that is important for everyone to answer, but in fact there is no definitive answer because every person or family has their own lifestyle and different expenses, but in general, what is certain is that the cost of living in Turkey is about 20% compared to Iran. It is more expensive because of the monetary value; It means that it depends on whether your source of income is Rial or Lira? Or even dollars and euros

If you are going to exchange Rials every month, these costs and the difference will affect you more, but if you have an income in lira or even dollars and euros, living expenses will be easy for you in Turkey.

In general, Turkey is a cheap country for living and immigration, considering its facilities and quality.

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