Register an ad

Register an ad

To register your property ad, you must first register on the Alanya Real Estate website and buy the package you want based on the number of files you want to register on the Alanya Real Estate website and then register the information and pictures of your property or properties. .
The zero-to-hundred process of registering real estate ads on the site is very simple, and you can register a complete ad on the site in less than 5 minutes; All the steps are in Farsi and optional so that you don’t have to type.
In addition, registered ads will be checked by us before approval, and if there are any errors in them, they will be edited and corrected.

If for any reason you need help and guidance in the process of registering on the site and registering your ads, you can call 05550900423 on WhatsApp or directly.

In general, you can register your property on the site in 2 ways:
Or it can be done by yourself. In this way, you register the property information through the user account you create on the site, and after approval by the site’s support, your ad will be displayed on the site and exposed to hundreds of visitors. And you will get thousands of unique visitors daily.
Or it is done by the administrators of Alanya Real Estate site. In this way, we create a user account on the site with your profile and name, and we register and confirm your property information in a complete and standard manner on the site, and you are solely responsible. You will be the customers who call you, it is worth mentioning that in this method you pay a fee for each ad to the Alanya Real Estate site admin.

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